Friday 30 December 2011

England day 5

My last day in the UK started with packing. And with realizing that I need a second bag.... My suitcase had somehow shrinked... But yes, I was not able to resist shopping and so I also went to Liberty - where I only bought some ribbons - and to a stationer. The rest of the day was time for walking arround and then I saw the old Routmaster busses and had to board one.... Love them!

The last thing I did before I went to the hotel to fetch my lagguage was buying a can of custard powder... It is very hard to get it in Switzerland. I made my way to the airport quite in time but as I was a bit nervouse, I wanted to calm my down with some crosswords and forgot the time... I had to run but thanks to the helpful lady from security check I was there in time. The way back was a bit shacky and I paniced for a moment. The man sitting next to me just looked at me and when I told him that I'll be fine in a minute but that I do not like it when it is shaky, his answer was: "Have a stiff drink and sleep for the rest of the journey!" That's one reason why I love the British!

I really enjoyed my time in the UK and I already missed it when the plane landed in Zurich. But knowing that my best friend is at the airport waiting for me was even better than beeing in the UK!

 A Christmas Express lift...

 What does a zebra do at Liberty???

 One of the Routemasters still in service

How did that happend???

Thursday 29 December 2011

England Day 4

After I said goodbye to Brighton and the sea, I travelled up to London. First point on my schedule was a stop at Fortnum&Mason to buy some tea and then I headed towards Covent Garden. I was not really in the mood of some serious sightseeing and just wandered arround in town and when I got tired, I took a bus down fleet street and after a stop at a Starbucks, another bus back to Victoria Station, where I stayed in the Easy Hotel.

In the evening I went to the theatre to see "Driving Miss Daisy" Absolutely worth seeing, Vanessa Redgrave on stage is even more impressive then in movies! What a great actress she is!

After the theatre I walked all the way down from Leicester square to Trafalgar square and then along Whitehall to Westminster Abbey where I boarded a bus back to Victoria Station.

 I passed this building near Covent Garden quite some times but this was the first time I looked up and saw this lovely lion and unicorn

 Covent Garden christmas decoration

 London Eye in the dark

Love the view on the House of Parliament and Big Ben from the bridge

Wednesday 28 December 2011

England day 3

I spent Sunday in Lewes. Lewes is.... Well... Half an hour bus journay from Brighton another world is waiting. Very medival, very idyllic, very British. I love all the small shops and the cafes and the lovely buildings.
I started the day with a walk along the Ouse and ended up with muddy  boots....  Then I walked arround in town, had lunch somewhere and did some shopping before taking the bus back to Brighton.

In the evening I met Cristina again. She texted me that she'll meet some friends from work and if I'd like to join. My first thought was, well, what should I do there where I know only her... But I decided to give it a try and it was such a lovely evening! We went to the Fortume of War pub at the seafront for a drink and after a while, a group of five of us made our way to Burger King as we were hungry.
Round ten, Cristina and me left and I decided to walk to the Pavillion with her. In the end we kept on walking all the way to St. Marys Church near Preston Park where she's living. It was very hard to say goodbye....


 and Lewes again

Some English countryside

and the pier again

Happy 77. birthday Maggie Smith!

When I think back of this year, there is one actres who really made me laugh out loud on many occasions. I've seen her in many movies over the past years, since I first saw her in the very first Harry Potter movie back in 2001. For many year she was just Professor McGonagall to me, till I saw her in other movies such as Murder by death, Hook, My house in Umbria and, last but not least, Gosford Park.
Since this spring she is first and foremost Violet, the Dowager Countess of Grantham. In every episode of Downton Abbey I just waited for one of her quotes and laughted my heart out because of stuff like: "I have plenty of friends I don't like!" or "No Englishman would dream about dying in somebody elses house."

Dear Maggie Smith, thanks for all the great movies, thanks for portreying the Dowager Countess, thanks for so many good laughts! I look forward to many more great movies! Happy birhtday!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

England Day 2

On Saturdayafternoon, after all my shopping in the morning, it was time to go back to my beloved Preston Park. I first took a bus to ASDA-Store in Holingbury and then back to Stanford Avenue.I love going up and down Beaconfiled Villas by bus! I walked all the way through the park from the rose garden to the manor. The walled garden was closed - sad, sad! - but I was on the graveyards and took pictures of nice texts on gravestones. Then I walked up Preston Drove to Fiveways and took a bus back into town.

In the evening I joined a ghost walk tour. Well, what should I say? It was not bad, but nothing I would do a second time. Well, maybe it was my fault, as I have a book with Brighton ghost stories and knew a lot of them, so it was not all that interessting.

On my way back to the hotel I passed the ferries wheel and decided to try it out. It goes round four times and the first one was a nightmare. It stopped at the hightest point to let people out and it was sooo shacky up there. I do not really have a problem with hights as long I'm on stable ground. The last round however was just marvellous.

 There are roses still blooming in Preston Park end of November!

 and the elms are green as well

 More Christmas decoration in the Lanes

The pier from above

Monday 26 December 2011

England Day 1

It is already a month ago since I've been to the UK and I always wanted to tell you about it and show yoyu some of the pictures, but Dezember was just too busy to look trough all the pictures and get them into a post. So I'll do it now.

I left on Friday and was very nervouse about my first flight alone but I decided to stay calm and play the "I love flying and everything is fine" game. It worked and I felt quite ok. During the flight I wrote a letter to my best friend, but also spent time looking outside. And when England came in sight.... I spent the rest of the flight with my nose glued to the window and almost cried. All the fields and villages and trees and then London from above are just soooo stunning!
We started with one hour delay due to "minor problems" and when we landed, we had to wait for almost ten minutes for them to let us out of the plane.... Nice announcement from the pilot, so very British: "I appologise on behalf of British Airways, but I know that this does not solve the problem."

When they finally let us leave the plane and I was through boarder controll and stuff I made my way over to Victoria Station and from there, down to Brighton. Leaving a train in Brighton is always just.... Well... It feels so good! After I droped my suitcase at the hotel I decided to go down  to the seafront first thing and walked from New Steine, where the hotel is, to Regency Square and then to Churchill Square shopping center to buy a scarf. Yes, I made the mistake of leaving the hotel without a scarf.... Silly me! I should know better! After some strolling arround in town and some shopping I got tired and it was almost dark anyway, so I took a 5B bus and drove all the way to Hangleton and back.

In the evening I met Cristina, one of my friends from school. She simply decieded to stay in Brighton and works in a hotel now. She texted me that there will be a surprise. It turned out that she called our teacher and asked him to come as well. So we had a lovely evening with a lot of laughter at "The mash tun" but left quite early. As I was not really tired I walked all the way along the seafront to The Duck's mouth, then up to Eastern road and back to New Steine.

A lovely welcome in my hotel room

An old friend, a seagull ;-)

I have douzends of pictures showing the sea at various points of the day, with rain or sun or whatever

Christmas decoration in the Lanes

Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Part 25 of my advents calender is not a Christmas song though somehow it is. I love watching them fly over Brighton!

Saturday 24 December 2011

Day 24

Today is the day; Christmas Eve! Until I'm able to go over to my parents there are quite some things to do, but Christmas preparation is almost as good as Christmas. Though I do not really like to wrap presents. They use to look as if an elephant had set on it. This year I'm going to put the blame on "Nilpfi", my toy-hippo I already got for Christmas as I was always singing the hippopatamus-for-Christmas-song.

Friday 23 December 2011

Day 23

Another one of my top three songs. There is a story behind this one. It is one of my grannys favorite christmas songs as well. My granddad insisted on singing at least "Silent night" but since he died nobody really wants to sing as my granny and me are the only ones in our family who like singing. So we normally just listen to some christmas music. But whenever this one is played granny and me have to sing. She sings in German, me in English ;-)

Thursday 22 December 2011

Day 22

Christmas is coming closer and so we reach the top three Christmas song. well, beside the hippopatamus-song, which is my this years favorite! And yes, I got a hippopatamus for Christmas!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Day 21

Rocking arround Christmas three. Soon it is time for it! I'll go and buy a tree today! Soooooo looking forward!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Day 20

Another song some of you might not understand. But there is no translation as I don't understand it either... But the tune is lovely!
All I can tell you is, that it is about a family of mice and the mother warns her children of the mouse trap.

Monday 19 December 2011

Day 19

My favorite Swiss Christmas song is not a traditional one. It is from a Christmas play, called "Zäller Wiehnacht" cause it was first played in a village called Zell. I guess almost everybody who grew up in Switzerland in the last 50 years know the song and in the meantime this one plus the one about the Star of Bethlehem even found their way into the churchs caroll books.

I'm not sure if I have English readers. I hope so of course! So I sat down for some minutes and tried to translate it a bit. I translated the first four verse. Afterwards there comes a part with another tune I don't know.... As last verse, verse one is repeated.

Oh what a night
Brought to us by the  Saviour
made the poor become rich

Have you heard about it?
Priase the lord
our Saviour came to earth

on the fields and the leas
animals wake up as well
feel this enormous wonder as well

This is the holy night
Brough to us by the Saviour
made the poor become rich

Sunday 18 December 2011

Day 19

Snow came back and now everything is white. I wonder how longe it takes for the sun to melt it again... Hope it stays!

Have you noticed how many Christmas songs are sung by Dean Martin, Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra?

Saturday 17 December 2011

Day 17

Snow has melted in the meantime, but every now and then small snowflakes fall from the sky. So I hope for some more snow! And what song is better for this than this one?

Day 16

It is already day 17 but here comes the 16. door of our advents calendar... I have a terrible cold (which is great one week before christmas with the baking-marathon I had planned for this weekend) and was in bed by eight yesterday. Unfortunatelly I do not feel any better...

But at least my sight from the window was lovely when I got up! We have the first snow! Well, not much, it looks like somebody used a bit icing sugar to cover trees and houses, but well, it is snow! I hope for much more and for white christmas!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Day 15

Almost forgot todays song! But here it is!

Monday 12 December 2011

Day 12

I had the day off today to do some christmas shopping and now met my best friend for sushi at my place. We're both very much into sushi at the moment or better into soy sauce... While we had dinner we listened to christmas music and she told me about this song.

Love it and had to download it imediatelly. I love the "and give him his massage" What a spoilt hippo!

Sunday 11 December 2011

Day 11

I'm already having my breaky as in an hour the rehearsal for our christmas play starts... Somehow I have the feeling that our choir has never ever been so badly prepared for the whole thingy... And somehow I think that it will be an over-all-desaster anyway....

So I need something nice to cheer me up now. Johnny Cash and Anne Murray singing "Christmasy feeling" Johnny Cash is one of my all-time-favorite singers - how else could it be, as I was brought up with country music - and every time I hear his songs I feel better instantly.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 10

I was busy all day and somehow forgot to prepare this post yesterday... But here it is, todays Christmas song. Hope you enjoy this lovely Rudolph-video.

Friday 9 December 2011

Day nine

I'm still not in a real Christmas mood which is sad! But my problem is that by the time I'm in the mood for Christmas, Silvester is already coming up!
Maybe this song helps!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Day eight

We're already deep in December. So it is time for December child!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Day seven

My best friend would not agree to this as she had to much of Roy Orbison during music lessons at school... But I do like him and I like this song! But I don't like giftwrapping ;-)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Day six

No story about the song but about Santa in general ;-)
In Switzerland we have "Samichlaus" and his helper, "Schmutzli", who is all dressed in black. Children are told that Schmutzli will take them into his bag and take them to the forest if they haven't been nice during the year. Nice kids of course get some reward for being nice, like peanuts, chocolate and "Gritzibänzen" which is a sweet bread in the shape of a man. Normaly, Samichlaus und Schmutzli have a donkey with them.

The first Samichlaus I've seen when I was three was a bit a dissapointment, as his donkey was called "Toyota"... But it came even worse when he wanted to take my grandfather with him as helper and little me hidded under the sofa instead of telling him that I need my grandad for myself.

The topic Samichlaus was put aside, till years later my aunt started to organize a Samichlaus-evening for her kids and their friends and somehow we were invited as well. For the next few years we always met on a December weekend and went to the forest to meet Samichlaus, Schmutzli and their donkey. The donkey, however, was the one of my uncle and we were told that Samichlaus does not have an own one and is renting our donkey...
I was very sure from the first moment on that Samichlaus has the same voice as my godfather, but my parents and everbody where constantly telling me that this could not be him. The next year we even went to his place before we went to search Samichlaus and he was sitting in front of the TV.... As soon we had left he left as well....
Years and years later when I told my parents that I'm no longer believing in Samichlaus and that they should tell me now if it was my godfather or not, they told me that they had tried to tell me all these years that it was him but that I did not believed them... Thats the way parents change things!

Monday 5 December 2011

Day five

No story behind, no special things to tell, just a lovely song. And don't we all wait for our own Christmas angel?

Sunday 4 December 2011

Day four

If there is one Christmas song that has a very special story for me, it is this one.
Ten years ago, somewhen in late November 2001, there was some kind of celebration going on in our town and I was there with my parents and my mothers godfather. During the evening there were rumours about a plane crash not fare away from our town but nobody knew more. When we came home late in the evening I was not tired enough to sleep so I went to my room and started the radio. They played "Wonderful Dream" and I felt in love with the song almost imediatelly. When the song ended the presenter announced that Melanie Thornton had died in a plane crash in Switzerland.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Day three

Jingle Bells Rock always makes me want to dance around! I guess I'll just put the candles aside and dance round the table!

Friday 2 December 2011

Day two

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! It does indeed!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Day one

This nice Christmas song by Austrian songwriter Lorenz Maierhofer always makes me think of the UK and somehow get "homesick"

December again!

I'm back from five lovely days in the UK with some shopping, a lot nice food and a lovely time just being back over there! I'll definivitely tell you more about it and also show you some pictures I've taken in Brighton, Lewes and London.

But first... It is first of December and consequently... First of advent! Time for an advent calendar! I've filled a real one for my best friend with some lovely thingies from the UK but there will be also a virtuel one on my blog. So check it out!

What else is coming up beside an advents calendar and stories from the UK? Yes, the cookies season ;-)

Have a lovely first of December and enjoy the next four weeks! They are the most busy but also the best of the whole year!

Love, Teadrinker

Sunday 20 November 2011

Coffee or tea my dear? - Hot chocolate, please

I'm not that much into hot chocolate... As I do not really like milk, as long it is milk. As soon it gets cheese or yoghurt or stuff it is fine for me, but not as milk-milk... To make this fact even worse; my uncle runs a farm with milk-cows and there was fresh milk all the time... It took me years and years to make it clear to my granny that I do not want to have milk... The one who understood it in the end was not her but my godfather, who preferes milk over tea and coffee.. But he finally got the hint and allowed me to have lemonade instead (his second-favorite drink, right after hot chocolate)

The only way I drink milk is at Starbucks... White chocolate mocca... And lately I tried a Gingerbread latte... I must have been quite in a strange mood to order something containing 90% milk, but I did and are on better term with it now!

And so I was seriously in the mood of a hot chocolate now... I mean, is there anything better on a gray and cold Novembers day? Well, yes... Tea! But never mind!

You need: 1 cup of milk, 25 gramm chocolate, 1 teaspoon cacao powder, some nutmeg, some cinnamon and if you like whipped cream and chocolat pieces to sprinkle.

Bring the milk to a simmer, add the chocolate and the cacao powder and allow to melt. Season with nutmeg and cinnamon and top with the cream.

I'm going to install myself on the sofa now with my hot chocolate, some IKEA pepperkaka (gingerbread) and my stitching to watch some Yes Prime Minister. Love it!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Waiting for...

When we went to see Anonymous on Saturday there was the trailer of War Horse. Definitively a movie I have to see!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Only ten days to go!

Today in ten days.... I'll be back in Brighton for three days and then go up to London for two more days! Sooo excited, can't wait!

Monday 14 November 2011


As I've told you yesterday, Saturday was TLNOOTHHP and we went to the pictures to see Anonymous.

It is very hard to give you a summary of the plot, so I'd say if you're interessted, go to Wikipedia.

Positive Points: Acting, story line and the interessting way the prologue goes directly into the movie. Mother and daughter Vanessa Redgrave and Joely Richardson playing old and young Elizabeth.

Negavite Point: At the beginning it was very hard to get the who-is-who straight and all the flashbacks made it a bit more complex to understand.

To make it short; Anonymous is a film absolutely to my taste. It is set in England, there are some great English actors in it, and the plot is just the way I like it. And... Main reason for me to watch the movie; Vanessa Redgrave! Wonderful portrait of the old Queen!

Sunday 13 November 2011

My week in pictures

Another Sunday  evening after another lazy Sunday. My PLL "Personal Laziness Level" was 10 out of 10 today... I had a date with my bed, another one with my sofa and will have one with my bathing tube soon ;-)
But I guess that I deserve a lazy Sunday after I was on tour for the rest of the weekend. One of my project kept me quite busy on Friday evening and Saturday morning and yesterday evening was a TLNOOTHHP which is short for The legendary night out of the honorable HP which is the name my best friend and me gave to our cinema-evenings. HP by the way does not stand for Harry Potter or HP printers but H is short for her nickname, P for mine.
TLNOOTHHP always follow the same schedule. We meet at half past five in front of the lift (we are not only best  friends but also neigbours), take the train into town and have dinner somewhere. After cinema we go to Starbucks and enjoy some Frappuchino in summer and hot chocolate in winter. Yesterday we went to see Anonymous.

So, but I promised pictures... Not novels...

Finally got my Cath Kidston order after I've waited for almost 4 weeks!
I ordered teatowels, an apron and pillow cases

Redecorated my kitchen

The new Crossstitch Card Shop. So many projects to start!

Only ten days to go till my UK holiday. Time to start preparing

Finally sorted out old cosmetic stuff
These lovely roses bring a bright spot into my flat at the moment

Saturday 12 November 2011

"Räbeliechtli" where do you go?

Räbeliechtliumzug is our Halloween or Bonfire night. We do not carve pumpkins but Räben, which are a kind of beet with a violet coloured outside, so they look lovely with a candle inside. Kids (or better their fathers...) carve motives into them, mostly with a cookie cutter, but the more ambitious fathers do it freehand. The motives are not cut out, only a thin layer at the outside is removed, so the motive is white on the violet Räbe and the lights shines through. On the evening of 11. of November (St. Martins day) the streetlamps are extinguished and the children walk with their Räbenliechtli (beetlights) through the streets. Sometimes people along the way decorate their houses as well, one even had arround 40 lamps in front of his windows! Lookes so lovely from the distance, but I was not able to take pictures.
The title of the post by the way comes from a song the children sing while walking arround. 

That's the way they look in the light

Sunday 6 November 2011

My week in pictures

Sunday evening, how quick the week went by! But I had a weekend just the way I like it! Dinner out with friends on Friday evening, a lazy Saturday with some baking and today a lay in, brunch with my best friend, a long walk and now a cosy evening on the sofa with some episodes of "Yes Minister", tea and my stitching.

So, let's get the picture-thingy started!

A nice bath with a fir-bathing-bomb.
The tree outside my living room window changes colour daily

Zurich by night

You cannot have too many cookery books...

Finally found the Catrice Big City Live limited edition.
I bought Berlin and Sidney plus the Berlin nail polish

A nice autumn walk with my best friend

Hello sweetie. I love cows!

My hairdo of this week; a gibson tuck.

I'm Shauny the sleepy sheepy or so... Spent a lot time hapnaping this week!

Thursday 3 November 2011

If only I could have you back

if only I could have you back
we would do all the things we used to do
over and over again

work in the garden
visit your friends
go for a walk in our town
buy a Christmas tree
look at old photographs
throw stones in a fountain
take pictures
eat chocolate

if only I could have you back
we would do new things
for the first time
and I would be able to ask questions
and to get all the answers

if only I could have you back
I could met you as an adult
not as the small child I was when I lost you

to my grandad who passed away 12 years ago and who I still miss very much. I love you, Grospi! 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Pumpkin soup

I'm a soupy person! I love a good pot of soup on a cold winters day and pumpkin soup is my autumn favorite.
This one is quick and easy and just the right thing to stock up the freezer to have someting ready when there is not much time for cooking.

For one liter or 2-3 servings

You need: 400 g pumpkin, 4 carotts, 2 small potatos, water, sock-cube, 100 g sour cream.

Cut pumpkin, carotts and potatos in pieces and cook till tender. Put the vegetable and some of the cooking water in a blender, puree and fill with more water till you have on liter of soup. Put back into the pan, add the sour cream and some stock-cube (best use the amount for one liter of water first, you can always add more if necessary) und stir well. If you like you can add sausages and keep the pan on the fire till they are hot.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lea Lemons spa day

Tonight I decided to indulge myself a bit. Though, do I really need more indulgence after an evening with my best friend? Two episodes of Downton Abbey, countles cups of tea, pizza and our stitching made our evening. Yes, we do have a problem with keeping our hands quite while watching TV, so we do some multitasking in order to get our christmas crossstitching thingies done before end of November.

But back to topic. I came home and had the sudden feeling that I'd like to have a shower and then treat myself with some bodylotion and stuff. The full program, or at least the part of it you can do in half an hour or so and only with lemon-cosmetics. Lemon body scrubb by The Body Shop, body lotion and hand cream by Crabtree&Evelyn and a facial mask by Yves Rocher. Oh, and of course some tea, Raspberry and Lemon.  While I put together my sour spa program I had a flash of creativity. Halloween is coming closer, so why not practice with lemons instead of pumpkins...? Don't laugh, arts were never my strong point...!

Can you keep a secret? I was so busy with all my doodeling and lemon-carving that I completely forgot about my spa-plans and now it is too late for today.... I will have to postpone it and give it another go tomorrow evening...! With my favorite lemon-song of course; Lemon Tree by Fools garden

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Love letter to autumn

Dear autumn

I like you very much. You may wonder why as some people say that you're making them feel depressed. But I can tell you why I love you.
It is because of marrons and cookies and mulled wine and tea. Coloured leaves and fog, winter frost and the first snow. Long evenings on the sofa with a good book and a warm blaket. And of course it is because I can look forward to Christmas without all the stress cause there is still enough time to buy presents and bake cookies. 

The time will come when you have to leave and winter will arrive. I will be sad, of course. But then... Well, you will come back next year. I'm looking forward to it! 

With lots of love
Yours tea-queen

Just a small note about my pictures. I take most of them with my Nikon D-90 and the only thing I do on the computer is adding my name and change the size if necessary. I do not belive in photo shop, this is not the way I see photography. For me it is the art of the moment, a situation you catch to remember it and to show it to others. No need to change anything.