Sunday 20 November 2011

Coffee or tea my dear? - Hot chocolate, please

I'm not that much into hot chocolate... As I do not really like milk, as long it is milk. As soon it gets cheese or yoghurt or stuff it is fine for me, but not as milk-milk... To make this fact even worse; my uncle runs a farm with milk-cows and there was fresh milk all the time... It took me years and years to make it clear to my granny that I do not want to have milk... The one who understood it in the end was not her but my godfather, who preferes milk over tea and coffee.. But he finally got the hint and allowed me to have lemonade instead (his second-favorite drink, right after hot chocolate)

The only way I drink milk is at Starbucks... White chocolate mocca... And lately I tried a Gingerbread latte... I must have been quite in a strange mood to order something containing 90% milk, but I did and are on better term with it now!

And so I was seriously in the mood of a hot chocolate now... I mean, is there anything better on a gray and cold Novembers day? Well, yes... Tea! But never mind!

You need: 1 cup of milk, 25 gramm chocolate, 1 teaspoon cacao powder, some nutmeg, some cinnamon and if you like whipped cream and chocolat pieces to sprinkle.

Bring the milk to a simmer, add the chocolate and the cacao powder and allow to melt. Season with nutmeg and cinnamon and top with the cream.

I'm going to install myself on the sofa now with my hot chocolate, some IKEA pepperkaka (gingerbread) and my stitching to watch some Yes Prime Minister. Love it!

Enjoy your Sunday!

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