Monday 26 December 2011

England Day 1

It is already a month ago since I've been to the UK and I always wanted to tell you about it and show yoyu some of the pictures, but Dezember was just too busy to look trough all the pictures and get them into a post. So I'll do it now.

I left on Friday and was very nervouse about my first flight alone but I decided to stay calm and play the "I love flying and everything is fine" game. It worked and I felt quite ok. During the flight I wrote a letter to my best friend, but also spent time looking outside. And when England came in sight.... I spent the rest of the flight with my nose glued to the window and almost cried. All the fields and villages and trees and then London from above are just soooo stunning!
We started with one hour delay due to "minor problems" and when we landed, we had to wait for almost ten minutes for them to let us out of the plane.... Nice announcement from the pilot, so very British: "I appologise on behalf of British Airways, but I know that this does not solve the problem."

When they finally let us leave the plane and I was through boarder controll and stuff I made my way over to Victoria Station and from there, down to Brighton. Leaving a train in Brighton is always just.... Well... It feels so good! After I droped my suitcase at the hotel I decided to go down  to the seafront first thing and walked from New Steine, where the hotel is, to Regency Square and then to Churchill Square shopping center to buy a scarf. Yes, I made the mistake of leaving the hotel without a scarf.... Silly me! I should know better! After some strolling arround in town and some shopping I got tired and it was almost dark anyway, so I took a 5B bus and drove all the way to Hangleton and back.

In the evening I met Cristina, one of my friends from school. She simply decieded to stay in Brighton and works in a hotel now. She texted me that there will be a surprise. It turned out that she called our teacher and asked him to come as well. So we had a lovely evening with a lot of laughter at "The mash tun" but left quite early. As I was not really tired I walked all the way along the seafront to The Duck's mouth, then up to Eastern road and back to New Steine.

A lovely welcome in my hotel room

An old friend, a seagull ;-)

I have douzends of pictures showing the sea at various points of the day, with rain or sun or whatever

Christmas decoration in the Lanes

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