Wednesday 28 December 2011

England day 3

I spent Sunday in Lewes. Lewes is.... Well... Half an hour bus journay from Brighton another world is waiting. Very medival, very idyllic, very British. I love all the small shops and the cafes and the lovely buildings.
I started the day with a walk along the Ouse and ended up with muddy  boots....  Then I walked arround in town, had lunch somewhere and did some shopping before taking the bus back to Brighton.

In the evening I met Cristina again. She texted me that she'll meet some friends from work and if I'd like to join. My first thought was, well, what should I do there where I know only her... But I decided to give it a try and it was such a lovely evening! We went to the Fortume of War pub at the seafront for a drink and after a while, a group of five of us made our way to Burger King as we were hungry.
Round ten, Cristina and me left and I decided to walk to the Pavillion with her. In the end we kept on walking all the way to St. Marys Church near Preston Park where she's living. It was very hard to say goodbye....


 and Lewes again

Some English countryside

and the pier again

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