Tuesday 27 December 2011

England Day 2

On Saturdayafternoon, after all my shopping in the morning, it was time to go back to my beloved Preston Park. I first took a bus to ASDA-Store in Holingbury and then back to Stanford Avenue.I love going up and down Beaconfiled Villas by bus! I walked all the way through the park from the rose garden to the manor. The walled garden was closed - sad, sad! - but I was on the graveyards and took pictures of nice texts on gravestones. Then I walked up Preston Drove to Fiveways and took a bus back into town.

In the evening I joined a ghost walk tour. Well, what should I say? It was not bad, but nothing I would do a second time. Well, maybe it was my fault, as I have a book with Brighton ghost stories and knew a lot of them, so it was not all that interessting.

On my way back to the hotel I passed the ferries wheel and decided to try it out. It goes round four times and the first one was a nightmare. It stopped at the hightest point to let people out and it was sooo shacky up there. I do not really have a problem with hights as long I'm on stable ground. The last round however was just marvellous.

 There are roses still blooming in Preston Park end of November!

 and the elms are green as well

 More Christmas decoration in the Lanes

The pier from above

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