Saturday 2 June 2012

Ship ahoi!

I spent the day in town today, having a stroll over the flea market - unfortunately without finding something but I'm sure that I'll be lucky the next time which will hopefully be soon - then cappuchino and cheese cake at Starbucks and later on I went for a tour on the lake, as I felt so like it. There are some small tours round the lower part of the lake which take arround one and a half our and though the ship was crowded it was good fun. Should do it more often, I mean, the lake is so close but somehow you don't do these things when you're not a tourist. Maybe you feel like doing it sometimes but as you can also do it next weekend, and the one after next and and and you postphone it and never do it.

Really enjoyed my day out and will have another one soon! Sometimes we should start to see our home town from a tourists point of view.

Augustinergasse. Just some steps away from Bahnhofstrasse, a different and quiet world

 A rose outside a flower shop

 Walk from Bürkliplatz to Bellevue

A short break at Starbucks
 Ship ahoi!

 Back at Bürkliplatz...

 ... overlooking the lake

Back home and stitching like mad

I took the pictures with the Hipstamatic-app which I really like! There is just one negative point, you can't zoom though this was like this with many cameras in the past I guess.

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