Sunday 3 June 2012

Sunday again

Time for Sunday again, this week with a new point, smiled. There are so many things that make me smile, so why not share them with you here?

*seen*Becoming Jane. The eagle has landed. *heard* Old music from the 40ies such as Calling all workers *read* Still "A titanic love story" *done* spent time with a friend. Visited my substitute grandparents. Called my parents. Went for a ship tour on the lake. Stitched. Wrote a letter to a friend including something typed on my old typewriter *eaten* chocolate pudding. Fondue. Strawberrie cream. *drank* coffee. Homemade peppermint tea. *thought* That I must be crazy. *been glad* to have so many nice friends.  *been annoyed* by a "lady" who "haven't seen" me and just queue-jumped. By my own stupidity to go into town without sunscream. *smiled* Because of one of my favorite costumors who came in for a chat on Tuesday *bought* a straw hat  

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