Sunday 3 June 2012

7 things I did today

German blogger Frau Liebe writes about the things she does like crafting, cooking or about her fleamarket finds. On Sunday she posts: "7 things I did today." Seven things she used her hands for, no matter if for five seconds or five hours. As I really like the idea, I'll do one today as well.

Tried to do a victory roll hairdo with scarf. I think I still need some practice cause it didn't really worked. Though I had the perfect music for it; Calling all workers....

Cooked chocolate pudding. And ate a lot of it

Had a healthy lunch with salad and chicken. No, it isn't burnt, it just looks so cause of the marinade

Worked on my mums birthday present

Wrote a bit - though on the computer and not on my old typewriter, but it looks much better like this...

Polished my nails

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