Monday 16 July 2012

I still know how to work my iron....

I have this dress for quite a while now, though I was too lazy to iron it... But as I had to iron my Mums present on Saturday I could deal with this one as well, so I wore it yesterday and today. I know, the shoes are not the best thing to go with it but I just love them so much that I wore them nevertheless.
The ring is a present by my granny. I went to Brighton last November some days before my birthday so instead of a present she gave me money  for my holidays. As I didn't just wanted to spend it on something I decided to buy a ring with it.

We had such a great day yesterday! After a lay in and a terribly lazy afternoon I went over to my parents to help prepare dinner and then the whole family (parents, my sister and her boyfriend, granny and my aunt with her husband) gathered for dinner and a rather funny evening. We all left round eight and my sister wanted to go and bury her rat, which died on Saturday. So I went with them and we had kind of a funeral for her, including flowers. I won't tell you where we buried her.... I don't think that something to tell.... ;-) In the end my sister and me chatted for almost an hour in front of her house, cuddling one of her cats. I love days like this and that's the great thing when the whole family lives in the same place!

 {dress, shoes and cardigan} Zalando. {Tights} Coop City

{Ring} Silver Scene

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