Wednesday 30 May 2012

Do you remember?

Read a make-up-post on one of the blogs I follow with the title: "Orange Blue" She wrote about make up in orange and blue but for me this title rang a bell and remembered me of a song from my teens.

Here it is. Orange Blue. She's got that light. And when we're already in the middle of nostalgic travels to the early 2000s, there are even more songs I still like very much - basically because of all the nice memories that come with them.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

A summer in coral

As I said in my Friday filler I fell in love with the Omnia Coral by Bulgary. I already have the Jade and so I was curious about that one.

I really like its fresh, summery though somehow elegant smell. And I like the design of the flacon, even if it needs quite some space in my cabinet. Had a good laugh when I unwrapped it and saw the instruction inside the box. Well, it might not be easy to get some perfume out of this bottle without additional instruction ;-)

Monday 28 May 2012

Sunday again

As it was a long weekend, my Sunday again comes on Monday evening

 *seen* No Reservation. The eagle has landed. *heard* Elvis Presley. Charlie Winston *read* Hotel Quadriga. A Titanic love story - Isidor and Ida Straus *done* spent a lazy weekend. Had a nice evening on Friday. Stitched. Read. Relaxed. Visited my parents. *eaten* Jaffa Cake. Ice cream. Sushi. *drank* Apple juice *thought* that I had so many lazy weekends in the past and liked it but now that I had so many busy ones I'm getting nervouse when I don't have any plans *been glad* that weather is so nice *been annoyed* by my iphone which crashed today *bought* Plants for my balcony *clicked* this and that

 That time last year I was still in Brighton, enjoying Preston Park.

Like a cursed princess in a fairy tale

Silly me, I often forget to take pictures of the cards I make. Like the b-day-card for my bestie... But here is one card I made a month or so ago for a friends b-day.

The idea came from the Cross Stitching Card Shop magazine, though I mixed various cards to get this one. The actual idee was to get the happy Birthday into the small sign but then somethin was missing on the top, so I made the sign a bit smaller, filled it with Happy B-day and wrote Happy Birthday at the top. I love writing while stitching.

Sunday 27 May 2012

New York beauty shopping

What do you do in New York? Well, shopping I'd say!  So thats what we did as well, though it was not that much when I think about it now. Came back with much more from all my visits in the UK, but nevertheless!

As you can see, I stocked up on lip care and nail polish!
Labello Berry Swirl * Labello Cherry * Burt's bees, the left one is the Rose tinted balm * Dior Rouge Altesse Red Royality * Dior Rose Flamboyant Blazing Pink * Essie Forever Yummy * Essie Good to go * the big earrings I'm going to alter to make a broche * Mac Ruby Woo

Bestie been to the Lacome counter at Macy's twice and got this eye shadow as gift both times, so the second time she handed it down to me. Thanks a lot! I especially like the two rose-shades. 
top: Fashion Admirer and Daylight, bottom: Off the rack and Little blue dress

My tiny balcony

My balcony is the size of a postage  stamp. 2 square meters and facing north. Well done, dear architect! When I first saw the flat it was winter and dark and I spent no thought about the balcony till I've moved in and spring came. As I love to sit outside, I decided to make the best out of it.

I learned quite some things about small balconys these last years and now I'm almost happy with it. But still, if my balcony would mysteriousely grow, I'd be more than pleased!

 As the balcony is facing north, I normally have hortensia (red/blue pot) and fuchsias (yellow and green pot) though this year I also try some lavender (red pot)

Towering up 
Place your flowers and decoration on a shelf. This gives you a lot additional space and flowers will get more sun as a nice side effect

Away with it 
There is even space for a big box on the shelf, where you can store all the stuff you'll need for your tiny garden like soil, shovel, flower pots and gloves. If the box is stable enough, cover it with a nice pillow or something and use it as foot-rest

Pot(tering) about 
A flower pot is a nice storage place for things you'd like to have at hand like scissors, candles and matches. You can even find a can of bubble liquid in mine one as I love to send soap bubbles out into stormy nights

Widespread connections 
Use flower boxes and attach them outside the balcony on the railing. But make sure that they are safely fixed so that they can't fall down.

Colour things up 
To make a small place more comfy, use colourful pots and/or add a bright spot with pillows or table clothes. Candles are another great source of colours.

Edge cases 
I don't like to have things on the railing when I'm not home cause I always fear that it might fall down. But once I'm out on the balcony, the railings give me some extra space to place candles or a drink.

Saturday 26 May 2012

My new bag - and what's in it

 I took my old, red bag on holiday with me as there is enough space for everything you carry arround all day. Purse, camera, phone, travel guide, umbrella, water bottle and and and. But the bag was quite old and not looking good anymore so when we went into Macy's and my bestie wanted to buy a new bag, I had a look too. And there it was. A huge, red Ralph Lauren bag! Similar to the one I saw in a magazine last year and really liked though not enough to spend 500 franks on it. In NY it was only half as expensive (though still much compared to all my other bags) so I made up my mind within seconds and bought it. It is an open bag though it has a small bag with a zipper attached inside, a perfect, safe place for purse and stuff. And it is so spacious that even a book fit into it without problem.  I'm in love!

When I took the picture I also pictured all the stuff inside the bag. I love to carry arround half my household.

My beloved 2.50£ sunglasses from H&M plus bag * new, green Ted Baker purse, bought in London on the way back from NY * chewing gums * tissues * pen * mirror * lipstick of the day (this one is Mac Ruby Woo) * a selection of labellos * handcream (Crabtree&Eveline Gardener) * Iphone with poppy-case * key with sheep-key-tag* notebook (also with poppys on it, I love these flowers!) * National Portrait Gallery agenda * bag with all the small stuff like powder, compeed, painkiller, hairpins and and an)

Friday 25 May 2012

Friday filler

Back from New York since Saturday. What a fascinating town! Though it was a bit too big for me and I like London more, but I'll definively go back one day!

My SUB (stack of unread books) is reaching odd hights and I have to deal with it. There are nine books on it at the moment and to make matters "worse", another one (A Titanic Love Story) was delivered today...

A long weekend is coming and I don't have many plans. Only something today and the rest of the three days is very empty so far. If it stays like this it will be the second weekend without program this year! Unbelievable how often I'm on tour since last fall, before I often stayed home for two or three Saturdays in a row.

I'm in love with a perfume, Bulgari Omnia Coral and will go and buy it tomorrow. Tested it at the airport but as we had to go through security again in London I decided to buy it there but was too tired and forgot. I already have the Green Jade and really love that one.

My bestie made two or three nice pictures of me while on holiday. I really like them but when I showed them to my mum her reaction was rather nice: "You look old on them! You look like my cousin!" That's my mum! She is such a lovely person but sometimes she makes remarks that are far from lovely! But I still love her very much!

We've been to Ellis Island when in NY and there was a computer where you could check if you would have been allowed to enter the States or not. My bestie and me woulden't have much chance... As there was a question: "Do you sing or talk to yourself?" What sould I answer to that? Mahna Mahna!

Saturday 5 May 2012

Saturday filler

I feel like posting a filler today, though it is not Friday. It's been a bit quiet in here the last weeks, was not in the mood for blogging.

Had a great evening out with two friends yesterday. First Chinese food, then cinema (The Iron Lady) and afterwards a drink. Oh, plus ice cream on the way to the  station.

Only one week now till our New York holidays! Can't wait! I wish it would already be today in a week, round one in the afternoon (New York time) cause then flight will be over. And I don't really like flying. Especially not 8 hours flights...

I love the weather app with capricorns Gian and Giachen (which means John and Jacob) who comment on the weather in their lovely Grison dialect. "How do they call two days of rain after each other?" "Weekend!"

I'm back on track with losing weight, cause I want to fit into all my clothes again! Have a whole drawer full of stuff that it not fitting anymore.

I found a picture of my class when we were 12. It is a nightmare! We're all dressed in black, white or grey. One girl wears a brown shirt but beside.... Black, white, grey.... Did we really choose to walk arround in this stuff? Was this the way we dressed in the late 90ies? Gosh!

My sister has a new cat, Sir James. I somehow hope that he won't like her two other cats so that I can take him. Never ever seen a cat who loves to cuddle so much! You really have to take care that you're not cuddled to death!