Monday 28 May 2012

Sunday again

As it was a long weekend, my Sunday again comes on Monday evening

 *seen* No Reservation. The eagle has landed. *heard* Elvis Presley. Charlie Winston *read* Hotel Quadriga. A Titanic love story - Isidor and Ida Straus *done* spent a lazy weekend. Had a nice evening on Friday. Stitched. Read. Relaxed. Visited my parents. *eaten* Jaffa Cake. Ice cream. Sushi. *drank* Apple juice *thought* that I had so many lazy weekends in the past and liked it but now that I had so many busy ones I'm getting nervouse when I don't have any plans *been glad* that weather is so nice *been annoyed* by my iphone which crashed today *bought* Plants for my balcony *clicked* this and that

 That time last year I was still in Brighton, enjoying Preston Park.

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