Sunday 15 April 2012

Sunday again

*seen* Robin Hood. Some episodes of Yes Minister. *heard* Oh yeah by Roxy music, perfect for a rainy Sunday *read* Some more old German books. *done* Slept a lot. Spent a lazy Sunday. Stitched a birhtday card for a friend. Gave up on my nail-polish-project. Took some nice baths. *eaten* Healthy stuff. Jaffa cakes. Rhubarbs . *drank* Coffee *thought* That it is strange that somebody I've only met four times is already a friend.  *been glad* that I call this person friend. *been annoyed* by nothing really  *bought* Dresses. And returned most of them. *clicked* once more

Seen in Canterbury last April

Sunday morning ritual - or my most favorite blog

I read many blogs and I like all of them - I mean, I woulden't read them if I would not like them! - but one of them is just outstanding! It is my Sunday morning ritual to read it while I have breaky. I hardly never open it on weekdays, because I like to save it up as a special Sunday morning treat.

It provides me with all I need to know about London, the UK in general and the latest gossip about the Royals. But the best about it are the pictutes. Countles images of London, old and new, in colour and black/white and often with a lot of background information.

Thanks a lot to Thomas Moore of "The Anglophile" for this wonderful blog which is a little bit of Britain in my living room. Every time I close the page I feel quite "homesick" and want to take the first plane to London.

Curious? Here it is! Enjoy!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Saturday evening occupation

I spent quite a lazy Saturday evening, watching Robin Hood and stitching a birhtday card for a friend. And of cours, drinking tea. Lots of tea!

Friday 13 April 2012

Friday filler

I suffer from kind of  springtime lethargy or so at the moment. Could go to bed as soon I come home in the evening and consequently haven't done much this week beside sleeping.

I love rainy weather, it is not bringing me down.

Why can't somebody invent pills that makes you to lose 5 kilos overnight? I would take four of them!

Just killed the last piece of chocolate left over from Eastern....

Can you call somebody you've only met 4 times a friend? I'd say, yes, you can!

I miss Brighton! Have I told you before? Don't think so ;-)

Today in one month my bestie and I will be in New York!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Nail polish

After two nail-polish-free days on Monday and Tuesday I wore Art Deco 24 yesterday and today. But now it is flaking and I don't know yet if I'll apply another one today or if I'll have another polish-free day.

Monday 9 April 2012

Sunday again - on Monday

My Friday filler came on Saturday and consequently - and as today is a public holiday - Sunday again is for once a Monday again!

*seen* About six or seven episodes of A history of Britain *heard* Midnight in Paris soundtrack *read* Moon over Soho. Some German books *done* Baking (Zopf, cookies and hot cross bun). Brunched with my family. Spend lazy easter  days stitching and reading. Tried to become friends with my sisters cat. Tried to take pictures of my family (and failed...) *eaten* Brunch. Sushi. Chocolat eggs. *drank* Liters of orange juice. Coffee *thought* How nice it is to have time for myself.  *been glad* that I have the best parents I can wish for. *been annoyed* bya sleepless night *bought*Nail polish *clicked*

My parents surprised me with wonderful flowers!

Saturday 7 April 2012

Nail polish

So far I'm quite happy with the way my nail-polish project is going on. I wore the "Fifth Avenue"  for four days as it was matching so well with everything I wore. For day five and six I wore another Essie, my new one, "Bit spender"

After removing Big Spender this morning I applied the next one straight away; Rimmel 420 Aqua Cool.

Saturday filler

I had a Friday filler at hand yesterday, but than had no time posting it as I was busy reading "Moon over Soho". So you'll get a Saturday filler today

I always look forward to lazy weekends without having visitors or going out but normally end up bored to death.

Is there a better way to spend a rainy afternoon than by cuddling up in a warm bed with a gripping book, sa cuppa tea and some sweets?

I bought the first rhubarb  for this year today. Love it!

My new coffee machine is already in use quite often

My wardrobe needs some tidying up and I started it yesterday. Opened the wardrobe, made a cup of tea, binned two awful dresses and closed the wardrobe again. No motivation...!

According to my photographs I spend the afternoon today a year ago in Preston Park... Miss it!

Thursday 5 April 2012


Finally the long weekend is here and I can't wait to start doing nothing ;-)

I started the four lazy days with some household, groceries shopping and baking, before visiting my best friend for some sushi. Love it and can't have enough of it! We have a new dress-code by the way. Comfy stuff like trainer or so but with full make up and juwellery. ;-) I was so glad that nobody saw me walking over the corridor from mine to her flat... Wearing a black shirt and my comfy purple trousers, but lipstick and big earrings... Crazy!

So for the next three days I'll just enjoy doing nothing. Reading, stitching, cooking, some DVDs and so on. Beside having to go to the shops again on Saturday the next set date is Monday morning at half past ten when my family will come for a late breakfast.

Happy Eastern everybody!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Car vs Coffee

My best friend bought a car today.... Daisy.... An all new black Citroen. As she likes the name Daisy we somehow started to call the car like this and now well, it has this name.

I bought something else today. No car... But also something black... A coffee machine. Haven't had one for the last four years. I like coffee but for me it is more a treat, I'm not running on coffee like cars on petrol. For me, coffee is something I drink at Starbucks or in a restaurant after lunch. Something to go with a piece of cake or a dessert. Something I don't drink at home but for example when visiting my parents or my granny or so. The only time when I drink it daily is on skiing holiday. 
When I moved out I bought a coffee cooker but a while ago I smashed the pot and without it, it is not goingto work. Ever since I drink instant coffee and even serve it to visitors...

But yesterday I made the spontanious decision to buy a real coffee machine as I'll have visitors during the Easter days and it is nice to serve them "real" coffee. Well, now I'm sitting here, drinking coffee and really enjoy it! As I know me... The fact that I own a coffee machine will make me a coffee drinker...

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Does somebody need a cheering up?

I was a bit down these last days cause of my mum and so I need something to cheer me up every now and then. What is better for this than good old Pink Panter? The German version by the way is much better than the original cause of the nice story told during the movie. And all the great names...! Dietrich Kurdesang!

Sunday 1 April 2012

Sunday again

*seen* Pink Panther *heard* Dirty old town *read* Moon over Soho *done* Visited mum (three times). Cleaned my parents windows. Met and old school friend. Stiched. Had brunch with my bestie this morning. Ordered clothes *eaten* Brunch. Too much chocolate. *drank* Tea. Tea. More tea *thought* That this year seems to be the time to renew some old friendships. That I was an ugly teenager ;-) *been glad* that I look better than ten years ago now. That the weather was so nice. *been annoyed* by my jitterbuggy behaviour *bought* Flowers *clicked* Various online newspaper to find the jokes.

April Project

Clockwise: Rimmel Lovely Lilac, Collection 2000 Lemon Soda, Rimmel Apricot Punch, Rimmel Aqua cool,  Natural Collection Rasperry, Art Deco 96, Catrice Sold out for ever, Natural Collection Rosehip (in the middle)

As I wrote so in my Friday-filler I binned some of my nail polishes and have "only" about 30 left now. Which is still quite a lot ;-)

So my project for this month is to use them. Use them as much and as many of them as possible. 25 days out of 30 with nail polish. I hope I'll reach my goal. The ones in the first picture are my favorite spring/summer colours, I'll definitively use them.

I started this morning with my absolute favorite,  Essie Fifth Avenue. It matches my belt perfectly and is also a nice red to wear with everything else, like the flower tunic I'll wear tomorrow. The picture by the way is from last week, when I worte it with a matte top coat.