Monday 9 April 2012

Sunday again - on Monday

My Friday filler came on Saturday and consequently - and as today is a public holiday - Sunday again is for once a Monday again!

*seen* About six or seven episodes of A history of Britain *heard* Midnight in Paris soundtrack *read* Moon over Soho. Some German books *done* Baking (Zopf, cookies and hot cross bun). Brunched with my family. Spend lazy easter  days stitching and reading. Tried to become friends with my sisters cat. Tried to take pictures of my family (and failed...) *eaten* Brunch. Sushi. Chocolat eggs. *drank* Liters of orange juice. Coffee *thought* How nice it is to have time for myself.  *been glad* that I have the best parents I can wish for. *been annoyed* bya sleepless night *bought*Nail polish *clicked*

My parents surprised me with wonderful flowers!

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