Thursday 5 April 2012


Finally the long weekend is here and I can't wait to start doing nothing ;-)

I started the four lazy days with some household, groceries shopping and baking, before visiting my best friend for some sushi. Love it and can't have enough of it! We have a new dress-code by the way. Comfy stuff like trainer or so but with full make up and juwellery. ;-) I was so glad that nobody saw me walking over the corridor from mine to her flat... Wearing a black shirt and my comfy purple trousers, but lipstick and big earrings... Crazy!

So for the next three days I'll just enjoy doing nothing. Reading, stitching, cooking, some DVDs and so on. Beside having to go to the shops again on Saturday the next set date is Monday morning at half past ten when my family will come for a late breakfast.

Happy Eastern everybody!

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