Sunday 15 April 2012

Sunday morning ritual - or my most favorite blog

I read many blogs and I like all of them - I mean, I woulden't read them if I would not like them! - but one of them is just outstanding! It is my Sunday morning ritual to read it while I have breaky. I hardly never open it on weekdays, because I like to save it up as a special Sunday morning treat.

It provides me with all I need to know about London, the UK in general and the latest gossip about the Royals. But the best about it are the pictutes. Countles images of London, old and new, in colour and black/white and often with a lot of background information.

Thanks a lot to Thomas Moore of "The Anglophile" for this wonderful blog which is a little bit of Britain in my living room. Every time I close the page I feel quite "homesick" and want to take the first plane to London.

Curious? Here it is! Enjoy!

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