Sunday 20 November 2011

Coffee or tea my dear? - Hot chocolate, please

I'm not that much into hot chocolate... As I do not really like milk, as long it is milk. As soon it gets cheese or yoghurt or stuff it is fine for me, but not as milk-milk... To make this fact even worse; my uncle runs a farm with milk-cows and there was fresh milk all the time... It took me years and years to make it clear to my granny that I do not want to have milk... The one who understood it in the end was not her but my godfather, who preferes milk over tea and coffee.. But he finally got the hint and allowed me to have lemonade instead (his second-favorite drink, right after hot chocolate)

The only way I drink milk is at Starbucks... White chocolate mocca... And lately I tried a Gingerbread latte... I must have been quite in a strange mood to order something containing 90% milk, but I did and are on better term with it now!

And so I was seriously in the mood of a hot chocolate now... I mean, is there anything better on a gray and cold Novembers day? Well, yes... Tea! But never mind!

You need: 1 cup of milk, 25 gramm chocolate, 1 teaspoon cacao powder, some nutmeg, some cinnamon and if you like whipped cream and chocolat pieces to sprinkle.

Bring the milk to a simmer, add the chocolate and the cacao powder and allow to melt. Season with nutmeg and cinnamon and top with the cream.

I'm going to install myself on the sofa now with my hot chocolate, some IKEA pepperkaka (gingerbread) and my stitching to watch some Yes Prime Minister. Love it!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Waiting for...

When we went to see Anonymous on Saturday there was the trailer of War Horse. Definitively a movie I have to see!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Only ten days to go!

Today in ten days.... I'll be back in Brighton for three days and then go up to London for two more days! Sooo excited, can't wait!

Monday 14 November 2011


As I've told you yesterday, Saturday was TLNOOTHHP and we went to the pictures to see Anonymous.

It is very hard to give you a summary of the plot, so I'd say if you're interessted, go to Wikipedia.

Positive Points: Acting, story line and the interessting way the prologue goes directly into the movie. Mother and daughter Vanessa Redgrave and Joely Richardson playing old and young Elizabeth.

Negavite Point: At the beginning it was very hard to get the who-is-who straight and all the flashbacks made it a bit more complex to understand.

To make it short; Anonymous is a film absolutely to my taste. It is set in England, there are some great English actors in it, and the plot is just the way I like it. And... Main reason for me to watch the movie; Vanessa Redgrave! Wonderful portrait of the old Queen!

Sunday 13 November 2011

My week in pictures

Another Sunday  evening after another lazy Sunday. My PLL "Personal Laziness Level" was 10 out of 10 today... I had a date with my bed, another one with my sofa and will have one with my bathing tube soon ;-)
But I guess that I deserve a lazy Sunday after I was on tour for the rest of the weekend. One of my project kept me quite busy on Friday evening and Saturday morning and yesterday evening was a TLNOOTHHP which is short for The legendary night out of the honorable HP which is the name my best friend and me gave to our cinema-evenings. HP by the way does not stand for Harry Potter or HP printers but H is short for her nickname, P for mine.
TLNOOTHHP always follow the same schedule. We meet at half past five in front of the lift (we are not only best  friends but also neigbours), take the train into town and have dinner somewhere. After cinema we go to Starbucks and enjoy some Frappuchino in summer and hot chocolate in winter. Yesterday we went to see Anonymous.

So, but I promised pictures... Not novels...

Finally got my Cath Kidston order after I've waited for almost 4 weeks!
I ordered teatowels, an apron and pillow cases

Redecorated my kitchen

The new Crossstitch Card Shop. So many projects to start!

Only ten days to go till my UK holiday. Time to start preparing

Finally sorted out old cosmetic stuff
These lovely roses bring a bright spot into my flat at the moment

Saturday 12 November 2011

"Räbeliechtli" where do you go?

Räbeliechtliumzug is our Halloween or Bonfire night. We do not carve pumpkins but Räben, which are a kind of beet with a violet coloured outside, so they look lovely with a candle inside. Kids (or better their fathers...) carve motives into them, mostly with a cookie cutter, but the more ambitious fathers do it freehand. The motives are not cut out, only a thin layer at the outside is removed, so the motive is white on the violet Räbe and the lights shines through. On the evening of 11. of November (St. Martins day) the streetlamps are extinguished and the children walk with their Räbenliechtli (beetlights) through the streets. Sometimes people along the way decorate their houses as well, one even had arround 40 lamps in front of his windows! Lookes so lovely from the distance, but I was not able to take pictures.
The title of the post by the way comes from a song the children sing while walking arround. 

That's the way they look in the light

Sunday 6 November 2011

My week in pictures

Sunday evening, how quick the week went by! But I had a weekend just the way I like it! Dinner out with friends on Friday evening, a lazy Saturday with some baking and today a lay in, brunch with my best friend, a long walk and now a cosy evening on the sofa with some episodes of "Yes Minister", tea and my stitching.

So, let's get the picture-thingy started!

A nice bath with a fir-bathing-bomb.
The tree outside my living room window changes colour daily

Zurich by night

You cannot have too many cookery books...

Finally found the Catrice Big City Live limited edition.
I bought Berlin and Sidney plus the Berlin nail polish

A nice autumn walk with my best friend

Hello sweetie. I love cows!

My hairdo of this week; a gibson tuck.

I'm Shauny the sleepy sheepy or so... Spent a lot time hapnaping this week!

Thursday 3 November 2011

If only I could have you back

if only I could have you back
we would do all the things we used to do
over and over again

work in the garden
visit your friends
go for a walk in our town
buy a Christmas tree
look at old photographs
throw stones in a fountain
take pictures
eat chocolate

if only I could have you back
we would do new things
for the first time
and I would be able to ask questions
and to get all the answers

if only I could have you back
I could met you as an adult
not as the small child I was when I lost you

to my grandad who passed away 12 years ago and who I still miss very much. I love you, Grospi! 

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Pumpkin soup

I'm a soupy person! I love a good pot of soup on a cold winters day and pumpkin soup is my autumn favorite.
This one is quick and easy and just the right thing to stock up the freezer to have someting ready when there is not much time for cooking.

For one liter or 2-3 servings

You need: 400 g pumpkin, 4 carotts, 2 small potatos, water, sock-cube, 100 g sour cream.

Cut pumpkin, carotts and potatos in pieces and cook till tender. Put the vegetable and some of the cooking water in a blender, puree and fill with more water till you have on liter of soup. Put back into the pan, add the sour cream and some stock-cube (best use the amount for one liter of water first, you can always add more if necessary) und stir well. If you like you can add sausages and keep the pan on the fire till they are hot.