Sunday 26 August 2012

Sunday again

*seen* Nothing! Really, no single movie all week long! *heard* Girls, Girls, Girls. A quite sad song about love and dreams. *read* The Centenarian Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared. Nero Corleone.*done* Spent a lot time on the balcony. Read. Stitched a card for my sister. Celebrated my sisters birthday. Enjoyed our village fair. *eaten* Too many chips. My favorite cake. Ice. Salad. *drank* No single gulp alcohol though I felt drunk yesterday *thought* That I haven't gotten such a nice compliment for such a long time. I asked somebody why he was smiling at me yesterday. His answer: "I saw you standing there and thought, that you love your life. So I smiled at you." *been glad* that I'm able to love my life. *been annoyed* by somebody who tried to kiss me  *bought* a CD of a local band

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