Sunday 5 August 2012


My sister called yesterday if I'd like to join them today. She and her boyfriend wanted to go hiking with my parents and take a friends dog with them. So I said I'll come as well. It was the first time in years that I went hiking! Well, if we don't count some "long walks". But real proper hiking with backpack and hiking shoes... Haven't done it for a long time. So down to the basement to find my hiking shoes and my raincoat - wasn't even sure if I still have it...

We spent a really great day, though weather turned bad in the afternoon and we got quite wet. Afterwards we visited nanny for some coffee-drinking and it was such a great day!

 View over Walensee

 Yeti? Bigfoor? Nooooo! Kiri!
 Kiri enjoys the view

"Menhir left by Obelix on his way to Rome"
 The last part of the journey was a bit a wet business

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