Sunday 19 August 2012

Blueberry pancake

If somebody offered my a blueberry pancake a while ago I'd said no, thanks. Not because of the pancake but because of the blueberries... I had so many of them when I was a child as my granny was always going "into the blueberries" as we used to call her trips to collect as many of them as possible. We also often had to join as kids and it was a death-boring thing.... The only more or less interessting thing about it was singing, as this upset granny quite a bit cause somebody could hear us and try to steal our berries.... So I'm not a big fan of blueberries.

Well, not "am" but "was" as a bowl of them just jumped into my shopping basket on Friday.... And a second bowl found it's way to my kitchen yesterday.... I don't know why I haven't liked them for so long as they're just delish!

So this morning I felt like having some blueberry pancake. I topped them with lemon yoghurt cause I wasn't able to open my bottle of maple syrup.... The lid was almost glued to the bottle.... So I had ti find a substitute topping.

For 2  servings

150 g flour
200 g yoghurt
2 tablespoons sugar
2 eggs
salt, lemon zest, baking powder
butter for frying

Whisk eggs and yoghurt in a bowl and flour, sugar, a pinch of salt, some lemon zest and some baking powder in another. Add the flour mixture to the yoghurt, stir well.
Heat a tad butter (really just a pea-sized bit) in a frying pan, put the batter into it (roughly one tablespoon par pancake) and top with the berries. Fry for three minutes each side and transfer to a plate. Repeat with some more butter and the rest of the rest of the batter.

Serve with maple syrup - if you're able to open the bottle - or whiped cream, lemon yoghurt or whatever you like.

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