Sunday 18 November 2012

Sunday again

*seen* Downton Abbey. Phineas and Ferb. Pixiwoo. Guess who's coming to dinner. *heard*Virginia Plain (Roxy Music). The violine piece from A novel in the viola. *read* The hat shop on the corner. *done* Stitched like crazy. Was lazy and did nothing at all beside stitching. *eaten* Homemade brownies. A stew I haven't had for ages. Carott soup. *drank* A lot coffee. Gingerbread latte. *thought* that Christmas is coming closer and I'm not in a christmas mood. *been glad* when the weekend came. *been annoyed* about my shyness. *bought* Mr Chartwell. "London weather forecast" nail polish. *Clicked* a lot pages with crafting ideas.

 Zurich about two weeks ago when my bestie and me had dinner in town

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