Sunday 19 February 2012

A book a week - week 5

Book facts
Rivers of London
Ben Aaronovitch
478 pages
Rating: 5/5

Two weeks ago I went to the shopping center after work and of course ended up in the bookshop. I was already on my way to the till when I saw this book and the word London in the title made me have a look at it. As it was not really warm in my flat I decided to go the bed with a cup of tea and my new book Friday evening at eight. What should I say? It was midnight when I finally stopped reading, but only because I wasn't able to keep my eyes open any longer. As soon I woke up I continues reading and by noon on Saturday I finisheded it.

Peter Grand is a police officer in London and one day he has to watch the scene of a murder at Covent Garden. There he meets a rather strange withness, a ghost. The next day he tells it to his colleague,  Lesley, and decides to go back and try to meet the ghost again in order to find out more about the strange murder case. While he is waiting at Covent Garden he meets Thomas Nightingale. Well, at this point of the story, Peter doesn't know that this is Thomas Nightingale, nor does he has the slightest idea that he will be his new boss soon and that.... He is the last wizzard of England. And Peter will soon become his apprentice.
So he has to deal with vampires, try to mediate between Mother and Father Thames who hate each other and then there is still this strange murder case at Covent Garden which was only the first in a row.

All in all a very catching book, though the last hundert or so pages were not that good as the rest. But still, I really enjoyed another view on magic, not as in Harry Potter but also very interessting. I already ordered the  second book, Moon over Soho and the thirth is due to be published this summer.